Questions in Pokémon

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I'm like, a month old on Gamejolt, is this a healthy amount of stickers to have?(btw I have around 30 Patreon stickers but they wouldn't fit on the screenshot)

#stickers #Gamejolt #questions

  13 votes Voting finished

anyone have a shiny Gyarados i can trade with? il give give that person my shiny i have

Guys which one of these games do you think its better?

  6 votes Voting finished

Just wanna ask but has anyone made a elemental monkeys fan evolutions where they are like not failed see no evil, say no evil, hear no evil?

Which of these Pokémon fusions should I draw?

  13 votes Voting finished

Guys i got a question

Do you think nintendo a bit strick to content creators?

(read article bellow for explanation)

  12 votes Voting finished

Guys which Pokémon Mystery Dungeon you think is the best?

(story and gameplaywise?)

(also the one posted here are the ones available in the us)

  4 votes Voting finished

ENG: I have a question and I would like you to help me.

BR: Eu tenho uma pergunta e gostaria que vocês me ajudassem.

gen6 competitive question from a giant noob who is literally only starting today

No, really, who the fuck broke Articuno? Because when I say someone broke Articuno, I'm dead serious.