I got popgoes arcade yesterday, super fun game. TURNS OUT IT WAS TO FUN. I SPENT 10.3 HOURS ON IT AND GOT 27 ACHIVMENTS. some body help me.

Once again, I went back to Popgoes Arcade and beaten the game without using any items (Dig is exceptional since it's more of a special move). It was infuriating yet rewarding. I enjoyed playing this game to it's full completion once again. Great memories.

Btw, I'm not kidding when I say that Morse can do 6 "Hook?"s in a row.

uh.. Has this ever happened to anyone before?
Nothing is worse than having Morse do 6 Hook?s in a row-

Popgoes Arcade is so much fun! As a challenge, I went back and played the entire game without using any items. Yes, I used Dig, but only against Freddy. Otherwise, I jumped, hooked, defended, and attacked. Never opened my items inventory.
What weapon do you guys prefer to use? The Hook or the Scythe?
Can't wait to replay Popgoes Arcade from 0% to 200% again, and i mean it, I will restart all the way back from the beggining when the update drops.