Share your creations! Keep it related to POPGOES!

first post on gamejolt, apologies if I get anything wrong but uhh I gotta share my art everywhere. enjoy weasel and cat ☺☻☺

I painted Long Popgoes, after the drawing I made a little while ago.

"No!!! No! No! No!... Why can't you ever just die?!" - Alice Angel
Since im bored and have nothing to do but draw, i decided to draw the popgoes gang + someone else in different games I enjoy/love
Read Article for more details on why i pick blake for this

What's the matter JJ? I thought you wanted an audience.
THE GOLDEN HARE ARRIVES. Here's my drawn recreation of a teaser originally from Popgoes Finale, featuring JJ & Spring Bonnie! Man, aren't they just adorable together? SURELY nothing could go wrong!

Popgoes and Candy wearing Shadow Candy and Blackrabbit mask! :3

Popgoes and Birthday boy Blam
Requested by @Jhosbertlbarra