general in PYRO-ILLUSION

Share your creation with Truddy

ddemkoo cual es la fecha del lanzamiento de PYRO-ILLUSION

Some important infos about the game, fact checks and more.

Works for upcoming trailer and possible DEMO?

go piro illusion!

so i just thinked stradarious is now ded
here have this meme

Truddy: Who are you?

Tealer: A dragon that runs an amusement park

Truddy: how did you pass my game with just a demo?!?

Tealer: Magic, it's in my act.

note: this is a joke i don't care what you think about either games.

tearland: beat pyro illusion dewkko: what does the demo say?

I see what you did with the side bars :)

for the love of god can you guys stahp botherin ddemkoo about the game's release date

if u do not stop then i will commit glue sniff

haha, coment section (at the time of typing) goes brrr

I just wanted to point this out, but the "Pyro-Illusion Community" icon with croco next to it is different and looks better than ever :).