Randall's Hot Takes in ThatRandomPerson Cool Kid Club


my dog ate my homework

hot take

skibidi toilet isn't a good "show" stop saying it is

hot take

pinata puppy world is the biggest fucking scam ive ever seen in my entire life

go follow my uhhh ermm friend yeah friend that's what this account is @johnfnafinrealtime

he's my friend yeah yeah a friend and is NOT me, go follow it, he's going to be the one posting the hot takes now

hot take

i dont like the dandy world thing

hot take

coke is better than pepsi

root beer is better than doctor pepper

and sprite is disgusting

Friendly reminder to take a moment and start manually blinking and/or breathing

hot take

i think it's stupid when consoles will require a subscription to play online multiplayer

especially when i already paid like 30 bucks for the game

hot take

i don't like fnaf

hot take

there should be a balance between story and gameplay in story driven games