Randall's Hot Takes in ThatRandomPerson Cool Kid Club

hot take
i think it's dumb when some discord servers make sperate channels for art and 3d models
hot take
i think it's stupid how people act like artists on here and twitter are just nothing more than art machines
hot take
ur kinda silly if you think you can hide from the allegations by reporting call out posts
hot take
i don't like the return to freddy's
im going to be posting the hot takes again because i decided that i no longer wish to be a gamejolt creator for multiple reasons
hot take
someone posting on twitter shouldnt always be the only excuse as to why theyre wrong about something
hot take
unmodded vanilla kinda minecraft sucks
(except for legacy console versions)
(somehow) a hot take
stealing art isnt very nice or cool, but telling said person to go die and that they never should've been alive is going way too far

hot take
this shit is pretty uncool ngl
hot take
amanda the adventurer did the live action thing better (piniata puppy world)