
I heard @BOXZEE wasn't feeling well, so here’s a little “Get Well Soon”, fanart for her. Give her all the love & share you guys can give her! We all love you Boxzee!

Ft. Steve & Axi.

hot take

i think it's stupid how people act like artists on here and twitter are just nothing more than art machines

I also got this finished! I just forgot to post it lol.

I am now an adult! (+ Doodle dump)

Coming back to this Art for a big upgrade. Lemme know what else I could add to the background!


hot take

someone posting on twitter shouldnt always be the only excuse as to why theyre wrong about something

today marks the 1 day anniversary of this game

thank you all for the support over this long period of time

I just found a leak of the Undertale movie, and omg, SANS HAS A RED EYE AND NOT A BLUE EYE!!!!!


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