general in Rayman Redesigner Fan Levels

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here I made this drawing because nintendo direct omg is coming if tomorrow rayman appears I make another drawing and if he does not appear I make another drawing with the new character 1 of possibility 99 of faith
Hey. I made it The Swamps of Forgetfulness. I tried to copy the original levels. Unfortunately, it didn’t get the same, but I don’t think there’s much deviation. 😅😅…

Here is the link to download my skin. Enjoy lol…
Hey. This is my first map. Please understand.
Raving Rabbids Speed run. Download map and music and input AppData/Local/RaymanReDesigner/Custom:
-… (Please download and convert to .ogg)
You can download my level here:…

A little glimpse of the level. By GameCreatorBoy
Hi everyone!
To share yours maps, you need to submit the text-code of the map. You have two possibilities: share the original text code in a .txt file (long size), or you also can compress the map within a .zip file and share the zip.
My creations below
I made a community where you can upload your fan ReDesigner level.