All Posts in Religion Humans (Official)

You're in heaven

My second community (Anti "Globo lixo" community) has the same amount of members than my first community (Religion Humans)

Bolsonaro #Exposed

Rezende GF. Conservador e liberal #Exposed

The guy who created this image #Exposed

contabilidadetv and Jornal Cidade #Exposed

POR - Feliz ano novo pra todo mundo!!!

ENG - Happy new year everyone!!!

Oh my God!! Two more!!

POR - Passarinho sΓ£o-paulino

ENG - SΓ£o Paulo bird

Guess what, buddy? You’re lucky you get to have me because I ain’t letting you down like others! πŸ˜€

Searched "Football/Soccer clubs from Brazil" and i did it!