Videos in Resident Evil

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CHEGANDO COM TUDO NA IGREJA!! | Resident Evil 4 | Episódio 3
Caraí tu ta lendo a descrição? kskskskksksk... esquisito! Mas aproveitando que tu já ta aqui, voce poderia me ajudar compartilhando com seus amigos 👉👈. Meu...

Caraí tu ta lendo a descrição? kskskskksksk... esquisito! Mas aproveitando que tu já ta aqui, voce poderia me ajudar compartilhando com seus amigos 👉👈. Meu...

Nightmare on Frostbite Lane: Christmas Tree Horror Story
In "Night of the X-mas Trees," immerse yourself in a chilling Christmas-themed survival-horror experience. Step into the shoes of a lone officer who receives...

Chapter 7 + 8 of my Resident Evil 4 Remake gameplay on hardcore. A torturous long adventure of saving Ashley only to have her run away. Leon runs into Ada after 6 long years and must find Ashley...again. XD
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Let's reunite with Leon and Ashley in chapter 6, which was complete and utter chaos by the way. Witness some funny moments where Ashley just ruins everything. XD We also get some boss battles that are NSaNe!
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Batty Bats we made it to the final chapter of Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways!!! Leeeettttt'ssss Gooooooo!!!! This seriously took me 2 freaking hours to beat. XD ;_; Lord Saddler is tough as nails.
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We are nearing the end as Ada hunts down Krauser and ends up running into some new type of "experiments" along the way. We also have a badass nod to the Resident Evil movie; it wouldn't be Resident Evil without lasers. XD
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We are now on chapter 5 and Ada is tracking down Luis again, leading her down into the water ways of the castle. One in particular foe comes back for round 3. How does Ada find a cure for the parasite? Kill the source of course!
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I need a doctor Batty Bats! Luis needs 3 ingredients to concoct some new medicine that can hold off the parasite. This is not a cure but will give me just enough time to seek a possible one later down the line. What's a woman to do?
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Welcome back to Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways Batty Bats! We are now on chapter 3 and let me tell you this chapter go crazy! Ada has some extremely bad luck, or this game is a troll. XD
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