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My portuguese alphabet lore will be having 3 seasons

season 1:

A - N (Beggining of an lore)

season 2:

O - Z (New letters arived)

season 3:

A - Ω (More greek species)

*insert ottoman empire athem*

So guys i have an announcement

(read article)


(Ignore the end and the beggining)

A leak for my alphabet lore i am making(gonna upload it on youtube)

credits to mikesalcedo(for the song) and @DaRealMemeCentralLol (voice acting F)

If you ever watched this

i consedere you a god nostalgia

YouTube Poop: Fred and the Infected Ketchup Bottle
This is what happens when you go grocery shopping kids... not a pretty picture.

We remade the 1st episode

but here it is!:

Portugues Alphabet Lore Part 1 A-E
Credits:Me - For voice acting A to EMike Salcedo - Original "Alphabet Lore" series??? - For "The Aliens" music



Top Cinco FNF's

And about my portuguese alphabet lore

We are accepting voice actors and animators

if you want to voice act or animate

go to my discord account: AlexHenryque#1304

and comunicate whit me