All Posts in Sonic.EXE: The Disaster Fan Community

*Exes cannot indicate you*

Anyone interested in being a moderator?


Started making this back in December, but I guess I either forgot, or I had something to do, and then it left my mind.

I really love the perfect-ish muzzle. Best muzzle I ever made.

The year of Shadow is over.


Some gameplay


Gameplay once again for your enjoyment dear viewers.

a kolossos fan art (Ignore the top spine, i made a mistake in the drawing and didn't notice til now.)

LiveStream TD1.3 Private

Twitch Username : CrazyKarmalol

Roblox username : Noa4n9

Yay finally Sonic exe rp :)


The Last Hero Of Mobius Stands Alive (Sonic.Exe Dimensional Coalescence)


Final 80 (Hardcore) Sonic.Exe The Disaster Ost