general in Splatoon

Show em how you’re fresh!

Hello FNAF and Splatoon fans!!!! Afternoon as always!!!! Anyways, the folks of Napature Science Inc. have a special announcement to make for today!!!!!

We had a good run gang

(Insert maritime memory)



What-Up and Good Afternoon my beloved fans of Splatoon!!! How's it going so far!?!??!!!! Hopefully all well as always and everything!!!!! Now then.............

The other day I saw this post on Twitter by the Japan splatoon account and apparently there won't be a nabbit recycled brella

inklings dont die when they touch the water, the ink just washes off of them.

The Parody Cameo Characters Numbers #11, #12, #13, and #14 from Haxx Hustun Studios are finally here folks!!!!

I like salmon run


This is pearls most underrated rap in a song ever