chatboard in ✧ communitium ✧


I have to go to the hospital for now on. My leg is still sprained, and i cannot go to school until my leg is fixed.

This is really fricked up because my leg just sprained in school a few days ago. (READ ARTICLE.)

Hey there! I am still on a Chromebook rn, but i am TIRED. What should I do after school?

Go support the chaos cats gofund me!

I got this book i found from my old backpack, but still modern.

Should i read it, chat?


tortured remix i made in may

i like pineapple on pizza

New drawing from Omi again???

Goooood morning, me. I'm off to school. (READ ARTICLE)

Hey guys! I have set up a BMAC page for you guys if you want to support me! (READ ARTICLE)