shitpost in Strizh's community

Everybody wanna be a superstar
I'm doing my first ever cosplay, guys

You know, I feel myself just like in Floods by Pantera right now (nothing about lyrics, just atmosphere of song itself)

All my friends are offline again

All we are, all we are....

I'm so sorry guy I've been offline for a very long time😭
I just been on most epic concert of my life
I will read every notification later

Let's go
I'm going to my rock concert...
Hope I'm perform well
(this is how it looks like by the way)

Life is a waterfall
We're one in the river
And one again after the fall
Swimming through the void
We hear the word
We lose ourselves
But we find it all?
'Cause we are the ones that want to play
Always want to go
But you never want to stay

Did you guys knew I'm fucking short, I'm 5'63😱