shitpost in Strizh's community

Everybody wanna be a superstar

This video feels the same after watching 9928292818917119+ real footages of ghosts all my life

Now I have a different quetion: How th the last post got so many likes? Nokotan stuff gives many likes?
Теперь у меня другой вопрос: как предыдущий пост набрал столько лайков? Штуки о Нокотане набирают много лукосов?

Why is this deer girl is so fricking funny
Почему она такая смешнаяяяя я не понимаюююю

Dude I loved editing this Chris Pratt photograph
I will call this picture "Chris Green"

Eh guys, mushroom grow up on my plant soil😳

It's me coming home 🥰
Hey you
Yeah you, check out new video!
(just a joke video, nothing serious)
Don't forget to subscribe to this (my) channel lol