shitpost in Strizh's community

Everybody wanna be a superstar

Heh, guys

I just remembered funny and stupid situation happened at me in roblox one day

Well, I was playing blade ball that day and...

I'm sorry guys but Sketch (Shadic's friend) wasn't appearing public so long because he died (2024-2024) 😭

The reason why he's dead is on the image

I will remember you

Гав гав

Bark bark

Хрю хрю

I like pigstep from Minecraft

I've got few things to say

First, I have 4 left people to 1000 followers

And second, is that post about it, will have 50+ mentions 💀

I'm just scared about that because probably some people may not understand why they got mentioned

This is that one legendary art from my legendary art tutorial I did for Youtube

only true fans will understand


Очередной щит пост


This video feels the same after watching 9928292818917119+ real footages of ghosts all my life

Now I have a different quetion: How th the last post got so many likes? Nokotan stuff gives many likes?

Теперь у меня другой вопрос: как предыдущий пост набрал столько лайков? Штуки о Нокотане набирают много лукосов?

Why is this deer girl is so fricking funny

Почему она такая смешнаяяяя я не понимаюююю