All Posts in stupiders games я обновил игру теперь в неё можно будет поиграть в браузере это точно не троль версия нет нет нет

eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids
eat your kids

Happy halloween!
my account has existed for 6 months!
and I already managed to make 6 games and one game I
I'm working hard, 15 people or more are waiting for it
Well, I wish everyone on this site a happy holiday Halloween!

hello my followers I have a community for a long time if you want you can take a look

I started a weekly section where I will give a description and a topic, and you will have to come up with a character for this topic or location
(game from comments)
this is the first season
games from comments
topic: create location 1, let's go!