general in Surviving at Scratch N' Friends Community

Share your creations!

if i tried remaking the main menu theme for surviving at scratch 'n friends

I’ll probably show off some fan art in SaSnF2 for the extras menu

So if you want to submit some fan art you can! I’ll be sure to check out your guys’ art, and add it to the extras menu of the game, and credit you!

wazzup (its me, Noh64, I had to make a new account due to a bug on my previous one)

Surviving at Scratch β€˜n Friends 2 Dev Log

The dev log will continue to get updates the more work we get done

Just curious. Which SaSnF character is your favorite?

Β  21 votes Voting finished

How ya’ll doin’ today?

This is robert, if robert isnt mention in the game i will do do... Ehhhh some horrible thinng that you wont like

Hi, I was wondering if I could do some voice acting for Surviving at Scratch n friend's 2, I can do goofy, cute, demonic, you name it, I have some experience, I've done a few voices for indie games and for my own, if ur interested, I'll send my discord


Based on true events after night 7