general in Surviving at Scratch N' Friends Community

Share your creations!

Just finished working on the title theme of the game. If you guys wanna hear it right now, go check out the SaSnF discord server. People in the server get to see things much earlier than on GameJolt:

Not half way done with working on SaSnF 2 and there is already a whole ton of blocks
Just released the official SaSnF OST on YouTube
25 likes on this post and I’ll release another teaser for SaSnF 2

it took me 2 months to finish some art for the game
what if we ban starvation?

we are working very hard on the game
How’s it going everyone! I got a proposal I’d like to make. So, I am totally down to drawing any official art of the SaSnF characters from the 1st, or 2nd game that may, or may not be connected to the story in anyway. Read the article for more info.