All Posts in Tagey's Epic Community

Post something epic. It better be epic. Or you're out of here. Just kidding xd

my new game

I want to throw bricks at this person

dang, didn’t know joe was a fan of the face

Some Nights at Vasco's - 4/20

Some Nights at Vasco's - 4/20 Mode
Really fun mode for a joke game, highly recommendMechanics:Vasco's: Click on him when he appearsDust Sans: Drag him into the trashcan when he appearsKris: Us...

a bezel in the style of a fake developer

Old P. bowser style

Omega Custom Night 3 Deluxe - Impossible Mode

Omega Custom Night 3 Deluxe - Impossible Mode (2nd Victor)
erm what the sigmaalso second victor which is freaking epic

One Night with the Plushies - Memey Chaos

One Night with the Plushies - Memey Chaos
In terms of lego101 max modes, this is the most fun you can have.