All Posts in Tagey's Epic Community
Post something epic. It better be epic. Or you're out of here. Just kidding xd
Hi yall i decided to update the game page once again (and for the last time) aswell so enjoy these i made :)
Another few years and I get this rare screen now lol
Yesterday was the 1 Year Anniversary to Cabin Fever 2: The End!!!
One night at Mario's (the forgotten Mario fan game)
happy valentines day (ignore those 2 in the bg)
Some of yall don't even know this but I actually have a valentine
The main hall has a new design now. This design was meant to be the crossroads. I think the lighting is eerie enough
fav game villain? well ofc.. it's the giant. nothin else.
Some little progress for Waluigi's lighting
the Luigi collage