All Posts in TAILOW GANG

Give bonnie a new face.

For a weird reason many people are following this game now, so i am going to make another update very soon fixing a lot of the issues with the game, stay tuned

The game i am currently working on now has a page!

I apologize for the mistake with Freddy, Nbb and The clock all in night 1 new update out now.

New bug fix update just dropped fixing night 4 and 5.

I apologize but night 4 may actually take some time. There is something wrong with the ai that is hard to fix.

Promoting my discord again

Night 4 is in the making the animations are done so it won't take that long!

The third version including the third night and a third character has gone live! As you may have noticed i removed the build for a bit since there was a bug in the system enjoy!

When SFM doesn't port correctly Me:

I have now officially created my own website it is not even close to finished yet i have only created the first page but it's coming together stay tuned for more updates. BTW: Made with Adobe Portfolio