All Posts in The Binding Of Isaac (TBOI)

Hello everyone, this is the first post!!
Today I will try to add my oc into the binding of Isaac :3 I'm first gonna figure it out then make the art for it

Made these two stickers last night before I went to bed at a normal time

Made some stickers for my laptop that will actually last because I put a top on them

I skipped the first moms heart on my new save 👍👍👍

§ - 🥩 - § Daily PixelArt | 249 | § - 🥩 - §
§ - 🥩 - § Isaacs World § - 🥩 - §

tainted lilith
i played around with some effects and taking a photo of the drawing itself

Wow free bombs in a challange

But if we walk in the light,
As He is in the light,
We have fellowship with one another,
and the blood of Jesus, His son, purifies us all from sin !