announcements in Bravice Fan Community

the lol

A message.


So... what y'all think?

Good or nah?

Doesn't really matter cuz I'm keeping this design. Fuckin' rocks imo.

Time for a remaster.


Recently noticed, I'm about 150 followers away from the big 1K, so I figured I'd shill for a sec.

Approx. 0.000211% of all Gamejolt users are following, so if you like my shit, consider following! You get my posts in your feed so you never miss a thing!


Announcement regarding that youtube series I mentioned a month ago



so uh

art contest

should i try and do a fanart contest again

I know it's gonna flop if yes, all the ones I've tried before have

  2 votes Voting finished

Ok, I revealed my first name.

Where? Well, that's on you to figure out.