Generally Generic Garrison in Leafy's Ludicrous Lounge

Why are you posting here man?

Humanized Leafy design

I've always hated how it seems like people are just trying to find some sort of entertainment, be it games or show, to just fucking dump on.

Yeah, okay, I get it "thing bad" but I don't need to hear it about EVERYTHING

(Rant in article)

Just came out to my mom, feeling good

It's been a whole ass day since the field trip and I still feel the rocking from the boat (Also no school today wooo)



I only have 7 hours of sleep in my system and I have a field trip until 8 PM

I'm makin pqsta

Anyways, on more lighthearted new- NO FUCKING WAY.

Anyone who is seeing is the post, I want you to look up the Nike England flag controversy

It's super fucking hilarous

I'm feeling better SO I'M BACK TO COOKIN'.

(I'm making art again)