random things I want to post in gallery of thelookers (totally original)

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some sprunki "HaTeRs" have no shame, they're bullying a CHILD over a LITTERAL INCREDIBOX MOD, its LITTERLY just beep bop boop, what is wrong with some people, they want to bully children so bad bruh i'm SOBBINGGGGG

its been so long they still didnt fix my tablet bruh

but in the meantime follow my cousin, hes a gamedev who makes sonic fangames mostly.

he cant draw or make 3d models, but give him some epic (good)critisizm


you freaking disgust me

Kirby super star is the best kirby game and you can tell me otherwise

My brother is playing yu gi oh in online class wtf XD

Why is everyone attracted to pixels on the screen


Holy shit

Got my hopes up too much

Is my account reviving? I got more than 2 likes, AND THIER NOT MAREO