general in Lunatic Custom Week Mod Community

Due to controversy of [REDACTED] I'm allowing someone else to voice act as Sadist Pico and Boyfriend because of the drama. The voice actor of girlfriend will stay the same because I'm voicing her.
So @LuigiFan3000 updated the vocals for S.Pico for the mod. I'm still waiting for @chiefboi360
to do the instrumental of the music for the mod. (Link is in the article)
I'm letting chief take his time though.
Thanks for @LuigiFan3000 to make the vocals of sadist pico. Now I need to wait for @chiefboi360
to do the instrumental of the music for the following:

The Cameo concepts are complete!
Alright so in the background in this mod there might be some cameos listed below

Concept upon how it's gonna go:
I Will end this mans whole career