general in Lunatic Custom Week Mod Community


Due to controversy of [REDACTED] I'm allowing someone else to voice act as Sadist Pico and Boyfriend because of the drama. The voice actor of girlfriend will stay the same because I'm voicing her.

LEAKS are in the article:

So @LuigiFan3000 updated the vocals for S.Pico for the mod. I'm still waiting for @chiefboi360 to do the instrumental of the music for the mod. (Link is in the article)

I'm letting chief take his time though.

Thanks for @LuigiFan3000 to make the vocals of sadist pico. Now I need to wait for @chiefboi360 to do the instrumental of the music for the following:

The Cameo concepts are complete!

Alright so in the background in this mod there might be some cameos listed below

Concept upon how it's gonna go:

I Will end this mans whole career