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[eng] Looking for an animator to create a horror shooter project about Slendytubbies
[rus] Ищу аниматора для создания хоррор-шутер проекта про Slendytubbies
Hi, everyone! I'm rosko, a music composer looking for a team. See my stuff at Contact me on discord rosko#3445. Cheers!
Hi! Just found out about the jam, I do RPGMaker games, more story driven, I'm looking for people who wanna do a Xena project!

Hey what's up! I am a programmer using gamemaker looking to work with someone who can do cute pixel art. I would like to make a tremors game with cute looking graboids.
Here are previous gamejams I worked on and my main game
Is there any programmer willing to help me? I'm a beginner but I do good pixel arts. In short, is there any programmer to help me out there?
Hey all! I'm Rachel. I'm a writer with a passion for video games, and I am compiling a team to work on Felix the Cat. I have come in contact with a few, but if you would be interested in joining the team, you can reach out to me at Eworclev#8405.
I am a indie game designer if anyone is an artist,programmer, music composer or really anything that can help you can join me if you want

Would love to lend a hand for anyone who can code! Looking more into something Felix the cat related!!
I can do!! Art! Sprites! And Music!!
DM me for more info at Bastian076#5054 !!!!
(Music: )
Only expecting a share of prize monz!
Hey guys, I'm a game dev who's attended a few jams before: and looking for game designers. Does anyone care to join? DM me on Discord: MyIsaak#6024
Hey! I'm Stefan a professional graphics artist and designer. Looking for a experienced programmer. I'd personally love to do something with Knight Rider :} (hit me up on discord if interested Stef#4244)