Announcements in The TrainGod's Great Basics Community

Share your creations!

alright fine i will do this mod

alright fine i will do it.
im going to put Kaitys palace 3 onto hold.
So the mods are now going to be uncancelled!
since i got a older version of unity ex thanks to my old friend

incase if everyone is wondering why i have issues with unityex. then here.
So after looking through the files, it turns out that unityex ultimate has a file that is hazardous.
so im not going to make mods with unity ex ultimate for a long time until a new update is here.
So Unity EX Ultimate is being as a virus on my computer,
Fuck You Norton.
all mods are on hold until this is solved.
TrainGod's Custom Maps are on hold,
But Kaity's Palace is returning, with one final chapter.