General in ♡ Transgender haven ♡

Share your creations!

I am scared of storms…

I got a craving for gummy sharks and no other form of gummi

Started playing the last of us the other day!
What do you wanna see more of? I ran out of content lolz
4 votes Voting finished

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven’t been posting in a while, I’ll try to be more active as spring break just started, just been busy, but unlike all the cool people, I don’t give you heads ups if I leave, I just go MIA

Be like Trans_Kirby_Enthusiast. This is under a very homophobic comment, under a video explaining sexuallities/genders. This mf? She is the Spiderman of the YT homophobic comments.
Goodnight pookies, I could or could not post tomorrow depending on this funeral thing, I have to wear a gross suit and tie
Guys what should my wallpaper be?

both made a sticker for my sticker pack, unprompted
the stickers are live now along the one @KemauriitkAnimates
made 3 months ago
please follow them they're all great artistsss <3