Polling in Transformers

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Calling all Transformers fans! Guys, I have a question for you! Which one, of the 13th original Primes, is you'r favorite, based on the design, and the personality?
7 votes Voting finished

Who Would Win In Fight?
9 votes Voting finished

Should I read the Transformers one novel before I watch the movie or after?
9 votes Voting finished
serving competition
5 votes Voting finished

7 votes Voting finished
Do you want to see my custom bmb ss megatron?
0 votes Voting finished

Hey guys, should I use this style for Transformers: Unity? I honestly like how I drew the characters and I really want to use them. So should I?
8 votes Voting finished
Which show and movie and video games crossover with transformers toy
10 votes Voting finished
21 votes Voting finished