Polling in Transformers

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Calling all Transformers fans! Guys, I have a question for you! Which one, of the 13th original Primes, is you'r favorite, based on the design, and the personality?

  7 votes Voting finished

Your Favorite Faction

  8 votes Voting finished

Who Would Win In Fight?

  9 votes Voting finished

Should I read the Transformers one novel before I watch the movie or after?

  9 votes Voting finished

serving competition

  5 votes Voting finished

Calling all Transformers fans! I have one more question for you my fellow followers. What is you'r favorite scale class for the Transformers figures? Have an amazing day! If you like other scale figures, you can write it in the comments down below.

  7 votes Voting finished

Do you want to see my custom bmb ss megatron?

  0 votes Voting finished

Hey guys, should I use this style for Transformers: Unity? I honestly like how I drew the characters and I really want to use them. So should I?

  8 votes Voting finished

Which show and movie and video games crossover with transformers toy

  10 votes Voting finished


  21 votes Voting finished