General in Tristanlagreato

Have something Lagreat to say? Post it!

Is the ship still somehow going on?

Guys, we haven't made the studio for #UnbanTristanFromScratch and #ScrewScratchTeam yet. Anybody with a scratch account, please reply.

Hey, can someone tell @lionconnor8 on Scratch that I was banned and that I won't be able to remix Lionason for a long time? It would help me a lot, man.

I used to follow @SunkyBunky, but then I learned what he did and blocked him. #bansunkybunky

Literally everyone else: *getting theories about their new games*


Holy crap, I just realized, Blitera looks like @SomeRandomWizard !

Found this in a spectogram of spider noises.

Tell in the comments if you want to join.

The council will decide your fate.

Me: wants to sleep

the cat: