All Posts in Ultimate Freddyverse

The final release of Ultimate Freddyverse is now out!
A passion project 4 years in the making is finally completed. 4 years are a long time, and I wanna apologize for the long wait, but I wanted to take my time to make this game the best it can be!

It is now official... The final version of Ultimate Freddyverse will be releasing on September 10th, 2024.
Many apologies for so many delays, a lot of real life issues delayed the project, but i finally pulled through
Hope it will be to your liking!

Sneak Peek Time!!! Look forward to it in the final release of Ultimate Freddyverse

The earliest accesible beta for Ultimate Freddyverse which I call Version 0.0.1 is now playable!
I wanted to post it despite its age because it shows how much a project and creator can grow, hoping someone can find it inspiring <3

Oh. That one... I hope that one isn't that confusing...

Progress update!!! I really owe it to you peple <3
Ultimate Freddyverse is in a state where it's about 90% complete. The main game is fully done, all 55 characters are full functional, as well as the tutorial, challenges and cheats... But not the LOREEE
A challenge called: Listen Close
The characters are in the comments (It was to big of a list)
I think if you hold q and go from camera to camera, the audio lure won't work. I'm trying to test good custom night challenges and I break the audio lure and I'm not 100% sure why

Its not a bug but this is a report. This says that you need to close the left door, but that doesn't work, you need to close the right door.