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The Creators - Ink, Indi, and Dye

"Великий монстр, отдавший все силы на развитие технологий, Вин Динг Гастер".

Так слогают о нём.

My Dusttale Take : recursion.

He is 9

Just gonna post this here as a PSA on the (un)ethics of making porn of characters based on real life people without their explicitly given consent
Also yes I put my watermark on an MS Paint drawing via Krita what about it?

TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN. (100 Followers Special)

Hi everyone, here's another old art with Frisk in the style of Neco-arc and forgive me for my laziness ^,_,^

edit: it has been updated

My pixel art drawing of a Froggit in the Ruins from Undertale!

Hey everyone! I’ve noticed I haven’t done an Undertale drawing in a while,so I decided to do a Froggit because they’re one of my favourite Normal Monsters in the game.

A Small Indie Game Comic: Sans' Magic Flame Eye