All Posts in Undertale: Rebirth

Applications for Artist positions are now closed!
However we are still looking for Spriters, Coder's (GameMaker Studio 2 Only), & Musicians!
Application Form:…

UTBB has a new banner made by one of the teams amazing artist - Lux_TheAurora!
Hey! This channel is only for questions about UNDERTALE: BRAVE BEGINNINGS
Please make sure to read our FAQ before making a post, just in case your question has already been answered!
Hey! This channel is meant specifically for UNDERTALE: BRAVE BEGINNINGS fanworks
To share fan content for other projects, use "The Undernet!" channel!
Okay! The official Undertale: Brave Beginnings community page is here (For the second time lol. Sorry about that, we ran into some problems but it's foxed now! We will be adding backgrounds and other stuff soon).