questions in Undertale MULTIPLAYER
De donde viene este Peluche???
can you add amogus as a secret character?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Also, I know I've posted a lot, so I'll stop for now but are we going to be able to make attacks that switch soul types mid attack? much like undyne and sans.
Alright just asking ahead of time, are tem/temmie going to be playable on release and if so what kind of abilities will they have in the attack customization feature?
I heard some people saying that the game is coming out this summer, but I don't believe them, is it true?
i've got 2 simple questions
1- Will there be ENEMY ENCOUNTERS? (if so then please make it optional [like an ON and OFF feature])
2- Will the game have it's own LORE?
Alright I know yall said you were only adding quality aus to the game, so let me get straight to the point is bete noire being added? And if she was added would we only get a skin for her normal form or would we also get one for her true form?