OCs Do nut Steel in The Wackiverse

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Real ugly man and his sister

Cornelius Cornstein, an older OC of mine remade.

Wait until you see his alters, he's tge host by the way.

Some concept art of my OC Cornelious and his alts (he has DID)

@di3d_vi4_cl0wn accidentally reminded me of should draw more art of my OCs regardless of Weirdos 4 Hire or not.

In that regard, I actually got quite the menagerie of OCs. Like, down to separate folders and all.

Not so slender man

I don't know why this is actually creepy...

Yes it is from the comic I'm working on.

Honestly, this drawing creeps me and I have no clue why

Theodore and Laila bonding

Laila, she's a teenager and she has insomophobia.

Theodore and her are from the same story.

I made a new fictional species

Nightmare Spirits!

Read article for more info.