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The cover and disclaimer are done, I only have to shade the comic itself.
Good news everyone, the shading process of the comic itself has begun!
One more page and the lining and coloring stage of the first episode of weirdos 4 hire is finished
Good news though, I got the first episode of Weirdos 4 Hire almost done in lining and coloring phase.
Then the shading phase is left and I'm done working until basically 1st of July.
About the shading poll, option 1 won, aka simple cel shading.
Which way should I shade the comic?
Hello guys, the reason I haven't made art for a while is because I'm really slowly working on the comic in rather full force and I don’t really have other ideas for other artworks in general.
I don't know why this is actually creepy...
Yes it is from the comic I'm working on.
Haven't made art today really because I'm still working on this famn comic, slowly but surely.