All Posts in Wick editor

I day dreamed bout this-

Animation test!

Guys i think hes death
I'm trying out a new talking style do y'all like it?
in lore terms the mirror is a person i don't have a name for who can mirror object normally use magic to make a being that looks like his victim to mirror and see into the future!
should i make a tutorial on how i animate in wick editor?

I tried to mimic that shaking thing JNJ does in their animations! does it look good???

This is my Wick Editor Setup (The background is relaxing for my eyes)

I hate it when slitherman take over my thoughts
first time drawing me in wick editor AND first time drawing black in a solid YEAR... i think?

That kinda looks like the battle pass-

yet ANOTHER Wick Editor test! this time i'm testing smth i learned from Animators tool box! (that thing Michael did years ago for bfdi animation help)
icarly go hard- (not really it was pretty m i d)