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Saying FNAF: Blood & Gears is ultra realistic just because the characters have hair particles is stupid.

Guys, what blind people see ?

do any of all know a modeler who does really good Walton files type characters. If you do please let me know by commenting his or her gamejolt or any other social.



In honor of Tony Todd I have placed a Candyman track into the radio. We'll miss you man!

Happy Halloween! Have a Jack-O-Lantern design I carved.

Fnaf movie is gonna be my liked movie out of this and you know why
Also Happy with the first anniverssary yay

The saddest dumbass greasy ,hair ass looking ,MANCHILD creep, with the most disappointed loser that his namen begins with the letter A (guess it)

Edit: nevermind its @ArtyMik9082005 ,

Get a lifeโ€ฆ

Did I overreact about the ASOF models?