Share some awesome stuff to the pack!
Sonic the Hedgehog: Lupe the Warrior Wolf
Sonic the Hedgehog/PowerPuff Girls: The Acro-Girls
Sonic the Hedgehog: Zooey the Fox
Sonic the Hedgehog: Dances with the Wolves
Sonic the Hedgehog: Sticks for Rhythmic Gymnastics
Sonic the Hedgehog: Trip Feeling Free
Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonia(Don’t Be A Backstabber music video) Formal
Sonic the Hedgehog: Saloon Gal Miss Possum
Sonic the Hedgehog: Tangle and Spider-Wolf hanging
Two Upcoming Series!
Kemonia-Aero & C-Engine Pashia
Welcome to the Wolf Pack!
The Wolf Pack is created after my 100-follower celebration! Wanna be part of the pack? Go ahead, join the community! Make yourself at home…
However, while you're part of the pack, there are 7 rules I would like you to follow… (These rules will also apply to moderators)
Porn is not allowed
Don't post anything offensive and/or insulting
Racism is strictly prohibited
No harassing other members
Never block the pack's moderators (unless they do something bad)
NOTE: Any post with 3 likes or more will be featured on the frontpage (unless it has swearing). However, violating any of these rules will result in your post being ejected, you get blocked for a week, and/or your post not being featured.