Renan's Announcements in RenanTheFangamePlayer / WitheredToySonicTH's Community

Let's chat!
Uhh what is this NFT thing everyone are talking about exactly?
I have no idea what's going on.

Currently looking for Beta Testers rn.
Don't ask to be one unless I know you or am your friend.

I though since the Demo is taking a little while to release, I could reveal one of the character designs for you guys, so here you go.

Y'know what?
V3 might actually come back.
But with Polar's help, just like last time.
I just gotta make sure he's okay with it.
Got nothing much to say about this game, just the fact that @Highcell asked to recode it for the V3 Update and he's currently doing it.
So yeah, have a good day.