Random in RenanTheFangamePlayer / WitheredToySonicTH's Community

Let's chat!

Just doing this cause why not e-

Just a Sodor Fallout refference, e-

Inspired on VS Corrupted Peter Griffin.

We got a couple more submissions, can we get more before May 28th? Also yes, you can submit a second submission for the contest if you like since one person named Linkboi did it.

Question: Would you rather boop Kseniya's nose for her to say "Nya~" or boop my nose just for your ears to explode due to me singing a bassed boosted version of Post-Mortal.
I know this is not from me this time, but my friend @AshProductions asked me to post this, so...

The Icons for Week Septic has been finshed!
Poses will be coming soon...