The official community for Sonic.EXE: Xavior Chronicles on GameJolt.
Game announcements will be made here, as well as on the game page.
Do not beg to become a collaborator/moderator. We will choose who becomes one and who doesn't.
Do not beg for a certain port(Android, iOS, MAC, Windows, etc.). If the game doesn't get one, it doesn't get one.
No NSFW/Excessive gore of any kind. This includes but is not limited to, promoting it, and sending NSFW or extremely gory images/videos
Be nice. If you have nothing informative or kind to say, do not say anything at all.
No spamming. You only need to post it once, other people want to post stuff too.
Do not beg for a teaser/game update. It will come around when it comes around. Be patient with us.
No discrimination of any sort is prohibited for any reason here! We respect everyone's identity, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, etc.
No off-topic posts! All posts must be related to Xavior, or the game in some shape or form.
No false alarms. This includes but is not limited to, spreading a false rumor about one of the team members, falsely reporting that the game has a virus/trojan horse, etc. This also includes falsely reporting a post as unrelated, discrimination, etc.
Do not dox anyone/leak their personal info for any reason.
No. Self. Promotion.
There are no exceptions to breaking any of these rules.