General in Thunder Tornado community

Share your creations!
hey, i uploaded this: enjoy

i made another minecraft video, should hopefully have it out sometime later.
so i've been playing mega man battle network a bit, what about you guys
so what's everyone's plans for the first 2 hours
hey felt like letting people know that today is the anniversary of thundertornado. yeey :D

hey gang, for those who saw my post on the wtb2 page, i changed my mind a bit, i thought up a release date for the game, hope you guys have a good day and if you show up show bmoney support for helping get the page up:

I was way to far in development to notice that I hated the 3D like office. it was mostly because the lighting to me feels like crap but oh well also after some examining with Scott Cawthon's code I found out how to master out the layout of the cameras

Forgot to put a teaser but I guess here are some of the frames for it. (6 are hidden their just documents after you beat the night)
hey hey it's the day where a creepy old guy breaks into your house and leaves you mysterious gifts, merry christmas everyone :)