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Pokemon Blaster 0.4 (v18)

Version: 0.4.0about 4 years ago


Pokémon is not owned by Scorbunny Channel
Pokémon is owned by Nintendo/GameFreak/Creatures/The Pokémon Company International

			This is a non-profit fan-made game. No copyright infringements intended. Please support the official games!

I wanted to create a game but graphics, mechanics and my very own Pokemon.

This game is in a very early state, I recently scrapped everything because I wanted this game's story and mechanics to be unique

Since I gotta start from the beginning, I might as well share for the game so it doesn't become lost to time lol

This Pokemon Blaster Fan Game is created by Scorbunny Channel.
That includes the version of the full game release!

Pokemon Blaster are Pokemon fan games! In this game, you must stop Team Justice from taking over the world. Wow that's not good! You must defeat this evil team and become champion of the Matros reigion!

Pokémon: Blaster Version includes :
- Over lot of Pokemon

- 1 Rival

- 8 Gym Leaders
- New Story

- Post Game

- Matros Region
- "Evil" Team Justice

- And Even More Stuff

-Starters: Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup

#rpg #pokemon #fangame #adventure #puzzle #other #controllersupport #nintendo #pokemon_blaster

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