Comments (21)
Android please
Dans l'mage je te vois, dans le fond noir il a écris mais pas toi...
hi my friends : ) here is my final part of creepsy's in the french version :) i'll play the english version in the next time and make one big video of the full game :) i must say big big thx to, nadal and all actors of creepsy's. i love you all :) your german fan and friend :)
Your employer asks you to monitor a mysterious building for two nights. But ... everything does not go as planned.
Welcome to 7 Nights At Creepsy's 2, and this time, every night, is different.
Creator / Developer: Nadal
Cast :
John Neige
Sasquatte World
Jeremy Wayne
Design/Animation : Nadal
OST : Johan Veloso and Jeremy Wayne
Modelisation : Unity/Blender/Cinema 4D
Storyboard : Nadal/TheKiller345
Game Making : Clickteam Fusion 2.5
Inspiration : Scott Cawthon/MisterM4F
Synopsis :
Votre employeur vous demande de surveiller un mystérieux bâtiment pendant une durée de deux nuit. Mais ... tout ne ce passe pas comme prévus.
Bienvenue dans 7 Nights At Creepsy's 2, et cette fois, chaque nuit, est différente.
Createur/Developpeur : Nadal
Cast :
John Neige
Sasquatte World
Jeremy Wayne
Design/Animation : Nadal
OST : Johan Veloso and Jeremy Wayne
Modelisation : Unity/Blender/Cinema 4D
Storyboard : Nadal/TheKiller345
Game Making : Clickteam Fusion 2.5
Inspiration : Scott Cawthon/MisterM4F
#horror #7Nights #Horror2017 #2017 #ClickteamGame #Jumpscare #Scary
Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Strong Language