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Bullet: soul bounded teaser demo

Version: 0.0.9about 4 years ago
a demo of what the game looks like before we started throwing most of the RPGMakerMV assets away. mostly made to give people a taste of the story. there are still some spelling errors that are planned to be fixed

this is a story about love, war, but most importantly dreams. play as bullet and figure out what's going on in the dream realm and save it from mass destruction caused by HATE

the bullet team:
HTG&M: composer, game maker
SonamyAlex: artist
wahooklonoapii_: artist
Jeyrolami: volunteer artist
Isaac Sousam: map designer, database manager
Acm240: helper, video advertiser/editor
reno๐ŸŒ™: helper
Valdimar64: helper
more team members to be added...

#fangame #rpg #adventure #action #DREAMON #klonoa

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language

the dream lives on! (read article)

read article.

(Post Reset) A0.0.1 has released.

this version is just a main menu test, but there is one goodie in here hinting on the future for this build branch!

finally pushed the new build out! sorry for multiple delays. been working on the post reset branch. a build for the main menu for that will be available soon as well!

ive found something wrong with the update. taking some time to patch. thats why it did not release that one day. it should be ready by tomorrow. sorry for the inconvenience...

sorry for the delay for next update, but things decided to come up, but it should be ready to download sometime soon. so keep an eye out!

read article.

the main menu update is almost done! im going to be putting the finishing touches on the update soon, but i also have another announcement! the table top battle mode is now in development. a concept should be in the next build so keep an eye out for it!

ive been sitting and thinking, but im going to make A0.60.0A the first demo build. gives me plenty of time to improve other things before i go quiet for a while by working on the game. i should have the next dev build out soon!

just fix the site link in the description. did not realize that link was broke, but its back up now.