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happy aniversary :) by:me
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Coffy's Enhanced (DEMO)
Coffy's: Enhanced Android (DEMO)

Coffy's: Enhanced (CE) is an FNaF fan-game created by @15Raffler in 2018, the game has been remade several times with the goal of making the most of its potential and a better experience.
The game features:- English and Portuguese language selection;
- Tutorial menu;
- A small "free roam" parts;
- Cutscenes;
- Achievements (Only available in full game)
Minimum requirements:
- 300MB Storage
- 1280x720 Monitor
- Windows 7,8 , 8.1, 10 64-bit
- NVidia 440 or better
- DirectX 11

Without job and almost in the dark at the end of the month, you are looking for some work to pay for your apartment, you are willing to accept anything, maybe working in the most famous coffee shop of Los Angeles as a night watchman is not a bad idea? isn't it?

You have a flashlight that can be used to illuminate the darkness around you, a monitor with cameras, and some tasks to be done on it. You also have an advanced security system that can help you with... them.

Technical cast
Creator/Main Dev | @15Raffler
Co-Dev | @Golden_Crystals-Productions21
Programming | @kaycatter
Models/Game Design | @15Raffler
Soundtrack | @pole / @BreNoKunioka / @LuoonGames
Additional cast
Voice acting | @pole / @LilBombinoVA
/ @BreNoKunioka / @Goldenkey
Additional Modeling Help | @realwalterwhite
Beta testing | @Anther_Dev / @Golden_Crystals-Productions21
/ @RoadedOfficial / @15Raffler

CE also has its shared universe with 2 other games, The Frosty Project created by @Golden_Crystals-Productions21 and A week at Mike's created by @DeyAnimate
, check out the games try to put together the puzzle of these 3 stories.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed